Archive For The “Wordless Wednesday” Category

Wordless Wednesday: Raja Does Not Like to Be Disturbed

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Wordless Wednesday: Raja Does Not Like to Be Disturbed

Happy Wordless Wednesday!

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Wordless Wednesday: It’s Full of Stars

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Wordless Wednesday: It’s Full of Stars

My goodness, it’s full of stars and I’m out of words!

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Wordless Wednesday: Do Not Disturb

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Wordless Wednesday: Do Not Disturb

Faith generally likes attention but sometimes she just wants to be left alone.

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Wordless Wednesday: Missy’s Gonna Get’cha

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Wordless Wednesday: Missy’s Gonna Get’cha

Wordless Wednesday is supposed to be, well, wordless, but as any long time readers may know, we’re not much for rules ’round these parts! Plus, while it’s been five years since I posted anything on this blog, it seems it has been nearly eleven years since I’ve done a Wordless Wednesday. So, we’ll break the…

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I Take Incredibly Lame Pictures So You Don’t Have to

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I Take Incredibly Lame Pictures So You Don’t Have to

Well, it’s Wordless Wednesday, but we’ll be not so wordless today. And, by “we”, I, of course, mean me. Now, I was going to say that I was stealing the title from JD again, but that was okay because she hasn’t been keeping up anyway, so it’s probably okay for others to pick up the…

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